Father's Day is nearly upon us, falling on the 19th June, and if your anything like me you will have been blisfully unaware of that fact until you just read it. Luckily my dad is a book fiend like me, so buying that last minute gift is relativlty easy. So if your wondering what to get your long-suffering dad this year, here are my suggestions:
Kindle 3

I love my Kindle, and if I ever manage to convince my father that e-reading is just as good as reading a good old fashioned dead tree book, it will be top of my gift-buying list. Amazon makes it very easy to purchease the device as a gift, and as an accompanyment, why not buy a gift card so your dad can start reading straight away. In the run up to to father's day, Amazon is offering 20% off the purchase of any official leather cover with all Kindle's brought,
click here for details.
Go the F*@k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach

ng back the memories off all those nights your dad stayed up reading the same old picture book to you with this hilarious satirical masterpiece, which probably should not be used for lullying the little ones off to sleep with such lines as "How come you can do all this other great s*!t, But you can’t lie the f*@k down and sleep?". It is available in Kindle format from Amazon UK
Notes from the Hard Shoulder by James May

Notes from the Hard Shoulder is James May's hillarious take on motoring told through a series of humerous acadedotes and articles. A must have for every grumpy old man, top gear fan and petrol-head at home. It is availble in Kindle format from
Amazon UK
Waterstones and
WH Smith.
Life and Laughing by Michael McIntyre

In my parent's house Michael McIntyre's comedy roadshow is a cornerstone of the weekly TV schedule, so why not let your dad learn more about this fantastic comedian by buying him McIntyre's biography. Available from
Amazon UK
It's Your Time Your Wasting by Frank Chalk

If your dad is a teacher, this is one for him! We all know that most teachers like nothing more than chatting shop, often with the more than occasional moan about the 'yoof' of today. Why not read shop as well? This is a funny account of what life is really like in Britain's schools, and will bring a both a frown and a smile to your educator-dad's face.
Available from
Amazon UK
Lost Voices from the Titanic by Nick Barratt

Next year is the 100-year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, and Nick Barratt has produced a definitive account of what happened aboard the great ship. A must for any maritime or history buffs out in dad-land. Available from
Amazon UK
If you think you have found the perfect Father's Day e-book gift, please share your idea with other by leaving a comment.
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