I do like a good, reality-based laugh and whilst not explicitly marketed as humour, with a blurb stating the book is very funny and when linked with books such as
Trust Me, I’m a (Junior) Doctor, the reader would be justified in expecting a good few laughs. Unfortunately this is where the book was disappointing, there were a few humorous stories, a patient having pornographic dreams about Tom Jones, to name one, but there was an overall lack of humour. Perhaps my expectations were unrealistic, but this book is distinctly less funny than other examples of the genre.
What was refreshingly different about Confessions of a GP there was less angry ranting than similar books, although it still exposed the short falls of the system. Dr Daniels himself comes off more a someone who is frustrated with a system that he sees is failing his patients and not sticking the NHS ethos, rather than an man who is opinionated just for the sake of it.
Overall, whilst I did find the book a bit of a let down in terms of humour, it did give an accurate, non-ranting look at the life of a modern GP and was enjoyable to read.
Confessions of a GP is available from
Amazon UK
for 99p, from
Amazon US
for $1.64 and from
WH Smith for 99p.
I can see how his coming off as frustrated would be a bit of a letdown. For one, it would make him less persuasive than someone who just has strong opinions. However, I can't blame him for letting his true emotions about being frustrated with a system show; the world doesn't help people as it should. Things just aren't simple enough for them to be, but it is frustrating when they clearly *can* be better but just aren't because of greed. Anyway, I'm off before I get carried away. :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.